"Mozilla splash page" assesment and illogical icon resizing?

Hello! I have just finished the Mozilla splash page assessment, and there are 2 things I want to ask you about:

  1. Could you please give any positive / negative feedback about the assessment itself. Here is the Glitch link (used it, instead of CodePen, because it can host assets)
    Edit mode: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/basalt-dull-gondola
    Live site: https://basalt-dull-gondola.glitch.me

  2. The second thing, is: I haven’t dived into CSS much yet, but I do understand that body { max-width: 1200px } means. Therefore, wouldn’t it be better to change this chapter of assessment…

    …to prompt a developer to resize image to 300w instead of 400w? Mathematically, we won’t see images take >300w anytime, because 300 * 4 = 1200px. Therefore, we can save a few kilobytes and a little loading time, can’t we? (the CSS, provided on MDN:)

Hi @Danil_Dark

Congratulations! Great work! :+1:

Just one thing:
The second <source> in <picture> isn’t needed. The browser will automatically use the fallback <img> when no <source> condition matches.

Your analysis is indeed correct. I don’t know if it was a deliberate decision (have some flexibility if the code changes later) or an oversight. Since it’s just 100px I wouldn’t bother, personally. If these images were 1000px wide each that would sound more like a real problem.
