Hello @zortron756
well done i am sure it was miss type that you left the p element for the first quote
so it should be
<blockquote cite="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Accessibility">By default, <abbr title="Hypertext Markup Language">HTML</abbr> is accessible, if used correctly.</blockquote>
have a nice day
i made the correction
Assessment wanted for Structuring a page of content
Assessment wanted for Marking up a letter
Hello @zortron756
this one is perfect
and well done also for this one
just another way for the address that you can use pre instead of br element
pre element preserve the line brake and spacing so you can use pre element inside the address
to be like that <address><pre>......</pre></address>
hope that help and have a nice day
i updated my code removing the <br>
elements and adding the <pre>
it preserved the line breaks but it also changed the font used it the address
do you know why it would do this?
it’s something related to the css the font size in the style tag is 1.3em which mean 1.3 of the parent element and since the font-size inherit it’s value so the pre font will be 1.3 of the address which is also 1.3 of the body
this will be more clear when you start to get in the css lesson
hope that help and have a nice day
@justsomeone @zortron756 the change in font style when you wrap some content in <pre>
is due to the browser’s default styling. <pre>
was originally intended for representing code blocks, therefore most browsers give it a monospace/code type font by default. If you wanted to use this for other purposes like addresses or poetry, you’d have to use some CSS to override this default style (font-family is the CSS property you’ll need to use).
But at this point in the course, many readers will not have enxountered CSS, hance me opting to go for the <br>
method in this assessment to keep things simpler
Which one you use is up to you — they both have pros and cons:
— more logical and explicit, easier to understand, at the expense of being more verbose to write<pre>
— quicker to write, but higher difficulty curve to understand, and arguably not quite right in terms of semantics (was originally intended for code blocks)
thanks @chrisdavidmills
i thought he meant the size
thanks for your help and have a nice day