Hello great people, I’m Just getting started in web development and I’ve completed my first task which is “Marking Up a letter”, so I will be needing you to help me assess my code. Thanks and God Bless.
Here is the link to my code:
Here is the link to the task:
Kindly look through and tell me on the areas I need to improve on and suggestions are also welcome too.
I don’t know if this is something you’ve covered yet, but I notice that one of the two exponentiated values (3 × 104) just happens to get broken by a line wrapping.
It’s good practice, when including formulas such as that (as well as figures with attached units, for example “44.1 kHz”) to protect their internal spaces from becoming line breaks.
You can do that either by:
Replacing the internal spaces with non-breaking spaces, using the HTML entity
Wrapping the entire value in a <span> that’s styled withwhite-space: nowrap.
The outcome is pretty much the same, though option 2 tends to be more readable in the document source. (Because it’s pretty distracting to see this:)