Hello, please assess my solution for https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Forms/Test_your_skills:_Form_structure
My solution: https://codepen.io/gojanpaolo/pen/yLeMvGB
Hello, please assess my solution for https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Forms/Test_your_skills:_Form_structure
My solution: https://codepen.io/gojanpaolo/pen/yLeMvGB
Hi @gojanpaolo! Your answer to this assessment is pretty much perfect. The only thing I’d comment on is the use of paragraph elements to separate out each label/input pair. This OK, but the recommendation is generally to use an unordered list for multiple form controls.
Hello @chrisdavidmills, Thanks for assessing my solution. I suppose we’ll then style the list appropriately (e.g. remove the bullets, align the labels, etc)?
What are your thoughts on creating horizontal forms using bootstrap?
I suppose we’ll then style the list appropriately (e.g. remove the bullets, align the labels, etc)?
What are your thoughts on creating horizontal forms using bootstrap
bootstrap is a tool just like any other — it will have advantages and disadvantages. Use it if it suits your project.
Off the top of my head, I’d say advantages are:
sThank you for the response! I agree that bootstrap uses a lot of <div>
s. We’re using it in a new project and I started doing front-end work that’s why I decided to learn vanilla HTML and CSS to get a better understanding of the fundamentals. Thanks again!
@gojanpaolo ok, cool! I’m glad to be of help.
So did you start off as a back-end developer, and now moving to front-end? Or something else?
@chrisdavidmills Yes, I am currently a back-end developer (C#). I’d like to go full-stack and be able to build or work on the whole web app :).
@gojanpaolo that’s really cool. Could I chat to you over email? I’d love to get some feedback on how the course could be made better, from a back-end developer’s perspective, and also what other back-end skills we should cover to create a more effective full-stack learning experience.
my email is cmills [at] mozilla [dot] com, btw.
@chrisdavidmills, sure! I will gather my thoughts regarding that, hopefully tonight, and send it via email.
Great, thanks! I really appreciate it.