Hello, please assess my solution for https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Forms/Test_your_skills:_HTML5_controls
1: https://codepen.io/gojanpaolo/pen/pogPgEw
2: https://codepen.io/gojanpaolo/pen/WNrjrRR
Hello, please assess my solution for https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Forms/Test_your_skills:_HTML5_controls
1: https://codepen.io/gojanpaolo/pen/pogPgEw
2: https://codepen.io/gojanpaolo/pen/WNrjrRR
Hi @gojanpaolo, I think it’s nicely done already. Awesome
You can refer to example in <form>: The Form element - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN to make your form cleaner. Personally I would not suggest using list component (ul or ol, li) in a form and replace it with fieldset or div for further styling, which list component has default styling on its padding and margin.
Thanks for the help here @irwanphan, and well done @gojanpaolo.
I think the question of which container elements to use for form controls is definitely up for debate. I see what you are saying about <div>
s requiring less styling, but semantically I think lists are more correct (when you have multiple form controls), and the styling required to remove the unwanted bullets and padding/margin is minimal.
But I don’t think this is a big deal, at least not at this stage in the learning journey. Both work OK.