Assessment wanted for "Marking up a letter" exercise

I did the following assessment:

Here’s my solution:

Please review it and let me know what can be improved. Thanks.

Hello @bb8

you doing great just a tiny things

for the first p that has the first address you should wrap it with address element not with p

same thing for the secand p

for all emails you should use the a element and use href=""

i hope i did not miss anything else

hope that help and have a nice day

@justsomeone, thanks for the notices!
agree for wrapping email addresses with link element. updated the code pen.

as for address, i was using a printed version of assessment, and i guess it was old, because in my copy it said that “address” element should not be used and asked to explain why. my explanation is that address should be used to provide contact details about the developer of the web page, not e.g. email sender. that’s why i didn’t use it. but yes, now the exercise says use address element. so, what do you think?

also, should i use my name or email sender name in meta author?

@bb8 you welcome

for the address or any element it recommened to use the one that satisfy the semantic meaning of the data the hold for many reason it give the exact semantic meaning for the data and also help the the people who use assisting device to know which kind of data they going to read and also help other developer who work in the same project to know what that data has and i am sure there other benefit but that what i know with my humble knowledge

for the name and email in meta author it’s up to you but becarful that when you share your code people can read that info also

i forget to mention also about the heading tags h1 and h2
you should use h1 with that line Re: Eileen Dover university application
and h2 with the other heading Dear Eileen, Starting dates Exotic dance moves not p and strong

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:

@justsomeone thanks for further notes.

i made the changes suggested by you.

now address is in italic font, and in the example they showed it’s normal font, is that okay? i shouldn’t apply css to it, right?

Hello @bb8

you welcome it’s cause address element is italic by default so it’s ok to leave it or update the following property to the

.sender-column {
text-align: right;
font-style: normal;

you will get that when you start learning css do not worry

and you doing great well done

have a nice day

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Hello @chrisdavidmills can you update the css of this task or the screen shoot so it show the address in italic or update the css to make it normal

thanks and have a nice day :slight_smile:

Done - good idea @justsomeone!

thanks alot :slight_smile: