Assessment wanted for Marking up a letter | gojanpaolo

Hello, please assess my solution for

My solution:


Hi @gojanpaolo,

This is mostly looking really good. Just a few small bits to point out.

  1. In the following line:

You don’t need to <br> on the end, as it is the last line in the block — there is nothing after it to break on to a new line.

  1. Same comment as above for the line


  1. You don’t need to wrap degree symbols in <sup> elements (e.g. <sup>°</sup>) — they already appear in the correct placement in the glyph. Try removing the <sup> elements in these cases and you’ll see what I mean.

  2. “The memoirs of Bill S Preston” could do with being wrapped in a <cite> element, to make it clear that it is the named source of the quotation.

These are really just small things; well done on a great job!

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Thanks @chrisdavidmills for assessing my solution! :slight_smile: I updated the code based from your remarks.