please help…
I have no idea what I am doing.
here’s the link to the code…
and the link to the page of the test
please help…
I have no idea what I am doing.
here’s the link to the code…
and the link to the page of the test
Hello @miracle_ugorji
first you need to create four variable
let firstNmber , secondNumber and so on;
then create another vaiable that equal to
let sum = firstNumber+secondNumber;
then another one for third - forth
subtract = third - forth
then make finalResult = sum * subtract
make the adjustment to the value of the 4 numbers so it make finalResult = 48;
then use the evenOddResult (do not define it again it already defined )
and use the same tenary statment you used to check if it odd or even
to check a number to be even that mean the numer%2 ===0
in your tenry statment use true or false
hope that help and have a nice day
Ok thanks. I have done the corrections please help me check again. @just
well done @miracle_ugorji
but i make mistake that
in this
numer%2 ===0
in your tenry statment use true or false
you should use
only evenOddResult = number%2 ===0 no use for the ternay statment here
my bad that one on me
well done and you doing great and have a nice day
Thank you for pointing out the correct one. Its all good, we all make mistakes.
you welcome and sure we do