" Math 1 skill test"

I codepen want to know if I am even following the instructions correctly. The product should be 48. Mine does not equal 48 , I thought the instructions state that I can create four variables that contain numbers I choose. Do I have to keep changing my numbers until it equals 48?mdn

Hello @sergilopez

you doing great but you have little think to take care of

  1. let finalResult = total1 * total2; the variable finalResult already defined earlier so just assign it the value you like   
  2. you forget to set the value for evenOddResult variable
Finally, write a calculation that checks whether finalResult is an even number. Store the result in a variable called evenOddResult.
  1. yes you need to change the value of num1 and 2 3 4 to make the finalResult = 48

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:

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