Assessment wanted for "Mozilla splash page" exercise

I did this assessment: Challenge: Mozilla splash page - Learn web development | MDN

My code is here:

P.S. The panda art direction doesn’t work properly with this link (works find locally), I guess due to this reason (excerpt from above linked Mozilla page):

To properly test the srcset / sizes examples, you’ll need to upload your site to a server

Please review it.

  1. You should’ve used max width of 500px not 480px.
  2. Your images are not 120px and 400px but both 180px.
  3. Your panda-1200px is only 120px
    Other than that looks good! thanks for review!
I’m using printed version of assignment so I guess 480px was old version, change to 500 though.
And yes, I guess the image hosting website changed the sizes, correct them now.