Assessment wanted for Structuring planet data using Glitch

Hi all! :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

If anyone has a little time and energy and wants to take a look at my assessment, you guys are welcome.

I think it is correct but any help is always welcome :eyeglasses: :computer: :mag: :eyeglasses:

These are my links:

Thanks in advance and have a nice day! :smile: :battery: :four_leaf_clover: :coffee:

:rowing_man: :rowing_man: :rowing_man:

Welcome back @Gabriel_ML :wave:

It’s nice to see you progressing through the assessments.

Very well done on this one. Congratulations!

Was there any specific issue that you used &nbsp; inside the empty cells? I think you can just leave the tags empty like <td></td>.

Good luck in your further assessments! :four_leaf_clover:

Hi @mikoMK :wave:

Thanks++ for your comments! :smile:

Answering your question:

It was because I saw it in the source code of Adding headers with <th> elements :monkey:

But although this answer is true :sunglasses:, it may not be correct :sob:, so I have done a little search :face_with_monocle: and this may be some possible answers …

β€œThe non-breaking space &nbsp;is an entity in HTML that has non-collapsing behavior”
From Wikipedia

β€œNotice that empty table cells are filled with the entity &nbsp;. If this is omitted, the cell borders will not always display correctly.”
From (X)HTML Tutorial

β€œAnother common use of the non-breaking space is to prevent browsers from truncating spaces in HTML pages.”
From w3schools

And finally I made a little test… :test_tube:

I think these may be the reasons to use &nbsp; or maybe not :sweat_smile:

Have a nice day! :sun_with_face: :muscle: :four_leaf_clover:

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Thanks for digging deeper, @Gabriel_ML :+1:

So in conclusion we could say: If we have a table row without any data and want it not to collapse, we need at least one cell with a non-breaking space (&nbsp;).

Learned something today :sunglasses:

All the best!

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