Browser Compatability Data spreadsheet missing pages

The BCD migration spreadsheet is really useful, but not entirely comprehensive. There are quite a few missing pages, so I’m making this thread to try and find as many of the missing pages as I can.

As far as I can tell, the pages not listed in the spreadsheet are mostly pages without a compatibility table, despite the fact that they should have a table, and in some cases the pages were for vendor-prefixed features.

Some examples that were missing but have been added were listed in this issue on GitHub.

  • The <filter-function> data type and its possible values (not sure if these should be listed separate, but since they each have a unique MDN page I’d say probably?):
    • blur()
    • brightness()
    • contrast()
    • drop-shadow()
    • grayscale()
    • hue-rotate()
    • invert()
    • opacity()
    • saturate()
    • sepia()

RE: the <filter-function> data type, there’s some inconsistency as to how data-type compatibility data is handled.

e.g. the translateZ() page just links to the <transform-function> page. The gradient data type page works the opposite way, suggesting that the user should instead go to each separate property’s page to view compatibility info.

The transform-function table doesn’t specifically list support for translateZ(), only basic support. I’m not sure how the spec works, but theoretically the data type could gain new values in the future, making the table for that page confusing. I also imagine some tools using this dataset may eventually want to see data for each specific value possible for a given data type.

Is there a style guide for how this should be handled?

I should note that filter does have a data file, but it only covers basic support, not support for the possible values.

The spreadsheet seems to be missing a lot of Navigator subpages, e.g. Navigator.share, Navigator.geolocation, Navigator.battery, Navigator.getUserMedia, Navigator.getVRDisplays, Navigator.vibrate, Navigator.permissions, etc.

Possibly because many or all of those are not defined in the base Navigator interface, but are added on using partial interface by other specifications.