Browser Notification Output

When I create a rule with Browser Notification as an output, I can’t really predict when I will see it in my phone/tablet/desktop/none-of-the-above. Does anyone have a good read that will help me understand how these are implemented?



Thanks - I still can’t seem to get any rules with a browser-notification output to create a browser notification on any of my devices. Not sure the best way to troubleshoot

I tried the test program and it failed too. When using F12 to view the browser debug console, it stated cross-domain was prohibited and you must use HTTPS. I suggest you view your browsers console log if you have not done so already.

When I used HTTPS:// on the test site, created the notification, and then enabled the notification, it worked as expected. See: to-do-notifications | Enhanced version of the to-do app, which stores to-do items via IndexedDB, and then also aims to provide notifications when to-do item deadlines are up, via the Notification and Vibration APIs.