Training or just running inference
Initially, inference (when I can get a compile)
Moziall STT branch/version
When I go the “git clone” and submodule tensorflow, the VERSION file tells me
9-alpha something. I went to 0.8.1 release, downloaded the zip and followed
the tensorflow from there to retrieve a zip.
OS Platform and Distribution (e.g., Linux Ubuntu 18.04)
Linux - openSuSE Tumbleweed
Python version
$ python --version
Python 3.8.5
TensorFlow version
The version retrieved by the “git submodule tensorflow” or the one referenced
by the 0.8.1 release github page (I am quite sure that I haven’t crossed over
since I do a complete purge (rm -rf STT-0.8.1 and similar for git clone)).
I haven’t found older threads that seem to address the binary build topic.
… and it produces a good transcript of a 1-minute clip when I change out the audio-file.
I am not familiar with github nor bazel but I have been programming since the 1980’s both professionally and for my own curiosity. My interest in deepspeech is to rough transcribe several hundred, if not a couple of thousand, hours of a radio broadcast and deepspeech has come closest in coherence and accuracy of the systems I have tried.
I have also downloaded the binary native-client package but cannot get a compile of against this. My goal is to be able to write C code against the library such that I can automate my task. C-code for speed, as I mentioned I have a lot of audio to scan thru.
Yes except for the “git checkout”. That is where I had all the problems with cross pollution of releases/versions. As, I said, I am famiiar with neither git nor bazel, and I did not find any reference to “checkout” in the build steps for the v0.8.1 docs.
((slow to reply) [NOT PROVIDING SUPPORT])
Well, there’s nothing bazel specific, but we can’t cover each and every usecase explicitely, at some point, people need to check their doc’s tool, git is not specifically some obscure unknown piece of software
When I tried to build against the “native_client.amd64.cpu.linux.tar.xz”, the link step had many references to “STT_” which where not provided by “”
Again, I suspect that most of my problems arose due to my own ignorance of git/bazel and the subsequent cross-pollution of sources.
Now that I have a binary “” built and copied to a work area along with the release “”, “args.h” and “deepspeech.h” I am happily compiling against the 0.8.1 release
((slow to reply) [NOT PROVIDING SUPPORT])
Because you are using master instead of the appropriate version.
But at some point we can’t document each and every use. Where do you set the bar? git checkout is a very basic operation. Should we also document how to install NVIDIA drivers? A linux distro? Build you computer?
Now you succeeded, if you have ideas on doc improvements, you are welcome to send PR, though. Maybe this can be of value to others?
I agree absolutely, the burden is on me to learn git, however, that one step, checkout, is vital and perhaps should be included in the docs.
I am not sure what a PR is, “pull request” ?
I would be happy for you to use the libdeepspeech setup script (even though it is a duplicate of yr work ) and the script I use to build the “” for other newbies, such as myself, who need an exact recipe, a direct route from A-to-B, to get started.
As to why I want to build new binaries, running the new “client” from “” reminded me why I wanted to build a new binary libdeepspeech,
“Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: SSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX FMA”
The Mozilla/STT/DeepSpeech engine uses a custom tensorflow and, with the amount of audio I have, I need every CPU advantage I can find to reduce processing time. I also intend to get ROCm working on my system and tensorflow, it seems, can be built to use the AMD GPU’s.
((slow to reply) [NOT PROVIDING SUPPORT])
Our bianries are build with up to FMA support, so you should not have that message. You need to pass --copt that matches your CPU, please check TensorFlow and GCC docs.
While those flags can help, it’s not going to have a huge impact. When we benchmarked whether we wanted to use FMA2 or not, it was 10%-30% depending on the CPU. Still nice, but it’s not what is going to change your life.
We don’t know how much well ROCm can work.
If you really are working in huge volumes, I would suggest rather leverage something like rather than the library: it is able to batch and make proper use of GPUs. This relies on TensorFlow r1.15, though, so maybe ROCm is not really usable there.