Hi, I want to port my extension to web-extensions but i can’t find a way to add a drop-marker on the side of an addon button like a lot of the old,and not so old, extensions do
ie: Pick & Save Images, greasemonkey, stylish or my own: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/multiple-highlighter/
You can’t use drop markers anymore. The only option you have, is in Firefox 54+ we can now attach context menu to the browserAction. So you would create your browser action then use context menu API from background script with this code:
id: "clickme-radio-2",
type: "radio",
title: "Choose me - radio 2!",
contexts: ["browser_action"],
checked: false
Yeah I’ve already some context menus on the addon for some options that were useful in that position but i feel like the functionality in the button should be preserved cause is a way better place and it will annoy some of my users otherwise, this type of button is used in lots of addons so it’ll be cool if this can be added on web extensions too.