This update could open up 2 large stagnant areas to a more up to date viewing of themes. Right now there are 2 columns that are filled with ancient themes that never rotate and this section needs to be used more practically. As well, this update would increase the number of featured themes, giving viewers more of a chance to view the latest chosen themes. These are not difficult updates to make and they can organize the area better and enable the uploader to have more display time on the initial page instead of being sent to later pages before anyone has a chance to view their work. I hope you can see my idea here and give it a chance. I am sure it will benefit the visitor as well as the theme designers.
Thank Guys,
Hi Brad,
Thanks for your feedback. I’m the Senior Visual Designer on AMO currently in the midst of a redesign of the site, so this is good timing. We’ve been looking at ways to update the Themes page more frequently and make it less stagnant, so don’t worry: some useful updates are coming later this year. We’ll keep the community updated as we start to test and roll things out, stay tuned.
Thanks again!
Hi Philip,
Your message is like a breath of fresh air on updating the area. Theme posting has caused an irritation within me for much too long. I hope the changes can come as soon as possible and make the area a completely pre-programmed type of submission with no human interaction what so ever, except to respond to postings that are considered spam or vulgar in nature. The area has been misused by the present volunteer(s) that have the authority to make theme quality decisions in there and it would be a blessing to change that. I hope you can make changes that will level the field of what is considered quality or so called featured themes and make it a fair display for all the artist instead of certain ones taking advantage of their volunteered position.
Anyway, if you can put that into the thought of the redesign and create a fairness for everyone’s creation and not a favoritism by the AMO in there, you would have my vote. I wish you luck and look forward to the redesign you create.
Thank You for your reply