First off I am a complete N00b, so forgive me…
I have built the gateway (0.10) on a Raspberry Pi, and tested toy by connecting some plugins - Kodi ( which works but I really don’t know what it is supposed to do LOL!) and the Chromecast one which worked all perfectly. I had no “physical” things on my network to test, but the other day I was given a Koogeek P1 (UK) plug, which is listed as “compatible”
I can’t get the gateway to find it after a day of frustration Can anyone help please!
I can connect to it using the koogeek Life android app and it works perfectly.
I have…
a) tried putting it in connect (fast flash) mode and searched while it was already connected to the android app.
b) connected it to the android app, then disconnected it and searched with the switch in whatever mode it was in when disconnected from the app. and searched.
c) As in b) but setting the switch in fast flash mode.
d) connected it to the android app and performed a factory reset, then searched.
e) as in d) but put in fast flash mode.
f) factory reset connected it to the android app and disconnected and searched in all modes.
g) jumped up and down, burnt some sulphur and waved black feathers around whilst singing praise to the gods of the IOT, and tried all the above multiple times, along with anything else I could think of.
Oh and yes, the gateway and the phone and the Koogeek P1 are all on the same wifi
Any and all advice is welcome. I am glad I didn’t lash out and buy some of these, which was my original plan!
Thanks heaps
I will install the “homekit” plugin, which is the only thing I have not done yet & try again.
first attempt failed
"2019-12-09 08:32:58.254 INFO : homekit: Adapter: HomeKitAdapter id homekit-adapter pairing started
2019-12-09 08:33:58.233 INFO : Pairing timeout
2019-12-09 08:33:58.236 ERROR : Thing was not added
2019-12-09 08:33:58.238 ERROR : addNewThing cancelled
I will restart the gateway, just in case & try again …
Well I have tried everything now with the “home kit” plugin running… and it still fails to find it…
I actually suspect that when I “remove” it from the Koogeek “life” app on the phone that it is deleting the wifi credentials from the device, as the device goes into a “slow flash”… I have tried all sorts of things, including tring to abort the application as soon as the light changes on the device ( I assume that means it ihas been given the wifi credentails) but before it “registers” it …
I suppose my original problem is that I didn’t realise I needed the homekit adapter, but now I am really confused
(I removed all other Plugins I had & rebooted the gateway)
I’ve never used the “Koogeek Life” app, only “Koogeek Home” on iOS and “Koogeek - Smart Home” on Android.
In either case, go ahead and set up the device fully in the app. Then, if you go into the device settings page and click “Remove accessory”, it should unpair it from your phone but leave it on the network.
Then, in the gateway UI, it should come up when you try to add new devices. You’ll need to enter the PIN from the sticker on the device, e.g. XXX-YY-ZZZ.
Hmmm… I have done all of that, and there is no PIN sticker on the device - I have seen the others that were bought with this one & none of them have a PIN sticker… so even if I got to that point I would be in trouble …
I wonder if you are in the UK? or if this is an “old” one and the technology they use has changed This is a model “KLUP1” …
Anyway I will uninstall the Koogeek “life” and try the Koogeek smart home and see if it un-pairs differently…
I have managed to break my instalation of the Gateway, by installing & uninstalling plugins, and now it simply hangs and never creates a webserver, so I am going to have to go back to square one anyway
Ah, now we’ve found the issue! This is not the P1 that I have… Mine is the HomeKit version (P1), whereas yours is the Alexa/Google Assistant version (KLUP1). Only the HomeKit version is supported right now.
Sorry for the confusion… They should really have better naming conventions
aahhhh, so I have been wasting my time trying… D’oH
I have just installed the Koogeek home and realised that that won’t “see” this one, and it directs me to the lfe app…
Thanks for you help
I need to rebuild my gateway before I can “play” again anyway… LOL!
actually looking on teh Giant river site… It seems that the ONLY Koogeek plugs in teh UK are ones that you can only control with the “life” app, not the “home” app… so there is no UK “P1”
Back to the drawing board…
yep, that is the same conclusion I came to… The only “home kit” compatible UK plugs are REALLY over priced, like about £40 each, whereas the ones that work purely on Wifi like this one are like £10 each (and there are hundreds of brands - and Amazon push them as “Alexa compatible”).
I guess if I want to continue I will need to buy a European plug from ebay -
The only reason I started on this experiment was becasue I wanted to see if I could get Mycroft ( https://Mycroft.ai ) to operate the Moxilla gateway and , for a change, we go down a rabbit hole
It would be interesting to know if someone has worked out (reverse engineered?) how to connect to these wifi devices…
I have confirmed that the device gets an IP address from the DHCP server when you use the “life” app to connect them… Unfortunately , when you “remove” the device from the app it ALSO drops the IP, so it is not so simple…
I rebuilt the gateway ( on a PI 3a ) as I had upset it by adding all the addons and running the poor beast out of memory, and I could work out how to remove the addons. LOL!
Yes, I mainly use the UK SmartThings Outlet (Zigbee) and the UK Aeotec Smart Switch (Z-Wave).
For what it’s worth, you can add the Virtual Things add-on to test this if you don’t have any compatible devices. Unfortunately our Mycroft skill is not currently working due to a bug.
@benfrancis - The only reason I started was becasue of a thread on the picroft chat https://chat.mycroft.ai/community/pl/w5n7ok8gft8atyn3qxi9pri98e - It looks like others have manged to get things working! That is what i was waiting to see LOL! ( never be the “first”!) I am no developer, but I used to manage a software QA team , a loooooooong time ago, so I do like the challenge
From an authorised Picroft I get the message “Something went wrong” when I give a random utterance ( like “turn on lights” ) which is a nonstandard error and the same one I see when I do the same thing with the gateway built in voice thingo, which I see as a positive thing LOL… Once I have some simple “on/off” thing working on the gateway I will see what happens!
I have no idea what “Virtual Things” are, so i will have a play there…
I will ( eventually) get a zigbee usb stick for the Pi… Should ANY zigbee v3.0 device work with the Conbee II?
I am completely bamboozled by the “virtual things” - I have already managed to damage one image by fiddling where I don’t understand, so i will leave it for now…
Weeeeel… I am not really bamboozled… I thought I had to build a “virtual thing” from scratch, but I was wrong…
I have now found another couple of “strange things” that I think I should start a new thread about, so they don’t get lost at the bottom of this one