Common Voice: Weekly Update 26th July

Hey Common Voice Community,

For this week’s weekly update, the common voice team has been working on…

:hammer_and_wrench: Accent Workflow Improvements

The team has been developing improvements to the profile accent workflow on the Common Voice platform. This has been informed by lots of your input regarding the challenges with the current approach. We will be running a usability testing sprint soon and will include community feedback as part of the feature development – watch this space for opportunities to participate!

We are hiring!

Are you interested in joining the Common Voice team as an engineer ? We are looking for two engineers to join us; data engineer and front-end developer. All the best with your application and please share with your social networks !

:globe_with_meridians: Community Strategy: Engagement Preferences

Thanks for the warm welcome I have received from the community. Our 1 to 1 s and previous community research has helped to inform the Common Voice Community Strategy.

The strategy is my commitment to you in ensuring the community voice is heard. The strategy doesn’t seek to dictate what each language community should look like but how I facilitate support across the language communities.

Each week, there will be a discourse thread to share your thoughts on one of the following topics.

I look forward to hearing your ideas!

:postal_horn:Registration: Common Voice open Roadmap sessions

Registration is now open for the Common Voice Roadmap session on 18th and 19th August. The roadmap outlines the key priorities and workstreams for the future of Common Voice.

Please use the following link to register:

Please share the link with your language communities. See you soon!

If you are unable to attend the session, we will share with the community how you can engage asynchronously, in early August.

Marketing campaign videos

As you may be aware, we recently launched a marketing campaign to explain what common voice is and encourage people to contribute. The campaign videos are now live on our youtube channel.. We will be developing a guide, to support communities who would like to create videos about Common Voice.

:calendar: Key Dates Ahead

If you have any questions please feel free to ask !


I had uploaded the video to Amara for subtitling, for your convenience.

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