Community Particiaption Guidelines Enforcement - Transition

Hi Mozillians!

At Mozilla, we believe that everyone deserves the right to work, contribute and convene with knowledge that their safety and well-being are at the forefront of how we operate and communicate as an organization.

Today is my last day as a Mozilla staff member, and my last day shepherding a cross-organizational response for violations of our CPG. I am very proud of what we have accomplished together, across projects, communities and teams to make sure that our intentions for safe, inclusive spaces, is backed up by actionable process and accountability.

Moving forward I am happy to share that ownership of this program will transitioning to the capable, and talented Francesca Minelli, with Mike Hoye supporting.

Of course building safe and inclusive spaces (online and off) requires the intention of everyone! :heart: If you are new to Mozilla, care about building healthy communities or need a refresher on this program, please consider completing this short, self-study course on Teachable you can also find the FAQ for that course here.

Thank you!

-Emma Irwin
(once a Mozillian, always a Mozillian)


Seriously? Than why on Earth mozilla let go 250 employees?
Right for work?

SHIT, not serious company.