Copyright Question

OK, I’ve been looking at trying to find a replacement for a Mozilla addon that is no longer supported for quantum.

I found a perfectly serviceable, if a bit different, addon in the Chrome store,

I imported it over using Chrome Store Foxified, and some important features got left by the wayside, but I found that a simple fix reactivated them.

I have created, and signed, a personal copy for me, but I am concerned about the IP issues related to putting it up for approval on AMO, because I have been unable to contact the developer. (The app has not been updated since 2013)

While I have made changes to the program, it is literally just replacing one line in the manifest program, so I on a moral and legal level, it is still the original author’s.

I am pretty sure that there are a more than a few users (there are 1700 users for the old, unsupported app on AMO).

Unfortunately, I cannot determine from the page, or the the contents of the CRX file, what license it has been released under.

Hi Matthew, unfortunately, I think you won’t be able to upload the modified extension without knowing the license for the original extension. Would it make sense to crowdsource the quest to contact the author?

I dunno.

I did find his (moribund) G+ account, and attempted to contact him though that.

It is a free app, but free != GPL, etc.