As the next Council elections are coming up in a few weeks, the Module Owner and Peers get ready to assure a well prepared election. In the past we’ve always done a Questions&Answers with all nominees with pre-defined questions. This allows other Reps to get to know the candidates better and build an opinion on who to vote for.
We would like to hear your feedback about these questions, as we’ve been using them for quite some time now.
Do you think they are still up to date?
Do you think they should be improved, if so, how?
Are there better or missing questions to ask the candidates that help to form a better opinion?
What are the top three issues that you would want the Council to address were you to join the Council?
What is in your view the Mozilla Reps program’s biggest strength and weakness?
Identify something that is currently not working well in the Mozilla Reps program and which you think could be easy to fix?
What past achievement as a Rep or Mentor are you most proud of?
What are the specific qualities and skills that you have that you think will help you be an effective Council member?
As a Rep, what do you do to try to encourage inactive mozillians to be active again?
(obsolete?) Which of the three priority projects do you consider the most important? Please motivate your answer.
(obsolete?) Which of the two big roles (specific skills based on the 3 priority projects) do you consider to describe you best? Please motivate your answer.
We are happy to hear all kind of feedback, these questions are not set in stone and we can easily change them for the next election. Please spread this around to other Reps as well, we need a broad coverage here.
Please respond with your feedback until March 18th so we can keep the timeline for the election.
Thanks already,
On behalf of the Module Owner and the Reps Peers
There are other priorities now, so it’s either obsolete or definitely needs an update. Wasn’t sure which one it should be and therefore it’s “obsolete?” with a question mark
It is important for me that candidates show what they have done inside the program (made events, improved their community etc) and how they helped the program, like joining the weekly call or joining thread on discourse or be a mentor/resources/review/onboarding.
Actually the program is lacking of participation of the Reps in the program itself and this questions can improve the awareness to the program itself and help on voting.
Other thing is missing it’s the accountability, when the council member is ending the role. Will be great have a way to compare the main goals when joining to the council and outcome when leaving the council.
What you have done for the Reps program?
I think both are very important and should be the primary and most important questions to be answered. The reason? Because if not a very active Rep, he/she would be no good at all for the Council.
I also agree with Geraldo regarding the accountability, when the council member is ending
the role. It would be great to have a way to compare the main goals when joining to the council and outcome when leaving the council.
About the following question: As a Rep, what do you do to try to encourage inactive mozillians to be active again?
I’m sorry but, shouldn’t this question be about Reps and not mozillians? I mean, mozillians are not as accountable as reps regarding activities, are they?
Thanks for the suggestions and feedback so far. This is definitely already helping a lot. I’ll leave this topic open until Monday afternoon.
Some more questions:
I feel like this should include a “Why?”. Do you agree?
Additionally to that, as @geraldobarros started about accountability: to have something similar to what Geraldo described, there needs to be a clear measurable goal. Would it make sense to ask for measurable goals here and the nominee needs to explain how they will measure it?
Should this include an explanation on how a possible solution would be approached? (not the solution itself, the way to it)
I’ve included part of this in my questions above, so the rest would be kinda off-topic for this thread. Do you want to create a new topic about this? Then we could discuss how that would look like outside of these questions and towards the end of a Council term. I’d definitely have something to say about this, but this topic here doesn’t really fit as those parts wouldn’t have anything to do with the election itself.