Hello, i am new in this forum and i am trying to build an English model that will have good results on large files (more than 10m). I’ve been using Common-Voice released dataset and i noticed that it performs well enough on test set (WER < 20%) but i would like to know if i can train and test on larger files. Is there any limitation from model’s architecture that makes it appropriate for this occasion? Let me mention that i tested my model on a 10m BBC-news audio and the results were disappointing…
Waiting for your response, thank you !
Training on long files, e.g. 10min, isn’t recommended. That said decoding, i.e. transcribing, longer files is supported. Did you use the streaming API?
First of all thank you for the response! I am glad to hear that decoding/transcribing longer files is supported. Where can i find the streaming API, is it related to transcribing long files? I have transcribed an audio (10m) using command:
./deepspeech --model /home/christina/PycharmProjects/DeepSpeech1/data_val/models/output_graph.pbmm --alphabet /home/christina/alphabet.txt --lm /home/christina/lm.binary --trie /home/christina/trie --audio /home/christina/Downloads/BBC-news.wav
and i got poor results, with many words stucked together. Is there any way for better results?
I found this file in native_client folder but i can’t imagine how i could use is to transcribe my large audio. Is there any command? Please forgive me, i am a beginner… Also, i found this issue https://github.com/mozilla/DeepSpeech/tree/master/examples/ffmpeg_vad_streaming and i think it is related to my problem. But when i ran it, i got blank inference. However, it works properly on small wav (e.g. CommonVoice sample).
Well, you need to write code to use the streaming API, the examples should be fine. I can’t know why this specific example would give blank inference, however. There’s no reason. Those examples are from contributors, they may regress.
I gave you the entry points you need, we expose those in other languages as well, look into the examples. I can’t really help more unless you have precise questions.
Thank you for your support, i solved the issue with the blank inference! Probably it occured due to the file type, i converted it to the appropriate format (16bit, mono-channel, 16KH) and now it works properly. I’ll try to call the streaming API from the examples.
You’ve done a great job with DeepSpeech Project, keep going!