If you are hosting a wiki for your community rather than using wiki.mozilla.org, Community Ops has a few questions for you. If you would be so kind to reply to this post, answering the questions I have below, we’d be extremely appreciative.
How did you decide that you need a wiki?
Why did you decide to host your own, rather than using the Mozilla Wiki?
How did you choose your Wiki software (MediaWiki, TikiWiki, etc.)?
What could make your wiki better? For example, would you like any extensions, or technical support?
Thank you in advance for taking the time to answer these questions!
We needed shared place for l10n team internal organization and to better organize user support to help our community forum (separated and quite different instances).
In 2005, Mozilla Wiki was bit different and we didn’t think that our content would be good fit for Mozilla Wiki (not only Mozilla related). Management would be another valid reason.
We used many different and always ended with MediaWiki as the best choice.
Working and maintained Persona extension (for MediaWiki) compatible with ConfirmAccount extension.
I am from Mozilla India and we have a wiki at wiki.mozillaindia.org. I hadn’t joined Mozilla when the wiki was setup and therefore many of these answers are from people who were involved and whom I asked.
Many articles that might fit India wiki might be out of scope for Mozilla Wiki.
It would be difficult to get admin permission, etc. on the main wiki.
Simpler URLs
I think this should be a straightforward choice. MediaWiki is much more popular. MozillaWiki uses it. Copying things would be easier. Learning a new syntax wouldn’t be required.