I’d like the infra module peers to have access to the monitoring tools.
Right now @tanner is the only person with admin access to VictorOps as far I’m aware (that being at least one tool, I’ve heard we have an uptime robot account recently), which shouldn’t be the case.
Would be great if Yousef and I could get access to all monitoring tools, so we can also work on things. As a module, it’s important all the owners/peers have access to the tools, so we can distribute workload, and for the sake of making sure things can be done in the most efficient time frame.
So, @tanner, please could you give myself and Yousef access to all the monitoring tools. As we’ve discussed before, changes made will be processed based on approval through the system we agreed on back when I first took ownership of infra (which is a process I’m documenting right now, and once documented, I expect will be followed.)
Also, about monitoring tools - we currently have VictorOps fielding alerts from Pingdom and UptimeRobot (the latter of which is going away), which are both being funded by @mrz at the moment. StatusHub, too. And since they’re personal accounts, only mrz has access to them, so he has to share his account information with us.
This is obviously not an ideal situation, but there’s also sensitive information (such as his credit card number) tied to those accounts, so we need to be careful about who has access to what.
Also just thought that we should extend this to things that generally need to be shared. I have a couple of passwords that the Infra team should have access to (DB, SES creds etc). Should stick them on lastpass at some point.
I’d first like to see us come to a conclusion on the set of tools we’re using (to avoid tool sprawl). I’m imagining a table of tools & purpose & “owner”.
++ to logan as a peer. He’s been a very very core player to making our infra since the day he’s joined and I already have trusted him with the access to most of our stuff.
Unless anyone objects, I’m going to list @mrz as a mentor and @logan as a peer on the wiki.