(Rubén Martín [❌ taking a break from Mozilla])
Assuming we are using Mandril as email handler for this Discourse, is the free account enough (12k/month)?
Checking Mozilla Hispano discourse I see last month we sent 8K emails, so we are close to the free limit and I assume eventually we’ll have to add some funds to get more emails ($0.20/thousand if I remember correctly).
Is this the best approach for community Discourses? Other recommendations?
Note that we’ll only be providing this because you’re close to your limit and have a solid use case. I can’t give this away to every community; and would advise that anybody requiring bulk mail uses Mandrill Free for as long as possible
(Rubén Martín [❌ taking a break from Mozilla])
For now I think we are OK, we want to analyse how better use the resources. In any case I will pass this suggestion to Mozilla Hispano IT team to consider, but don’t worry I think we can stick with Mandrill for some time.