Engage with user's rating

Is it possible to engage with customers who rate the add-ons?

To clarify the need:

  • a user has given us 1 star in rating
  • we don’t understand why
  • we want to be able to reach out to them and ask them why or how can we do better

The need can be anonymous, which means we don’t need to know their email
address/personal details, being able to communicate with them through their
Firefox ID is good enough.

I have again today received numerous emails forwarded by yourselves, I
assume in case I can help or advise.

I am not a moderator or somewone with appropriate knowledge to help. My
only contact with yourselves was through your forum when I needed
advice from anyone who could help.

Is there any way you can delete my details to stop these addon emails
coming into my inbox. Much appreciate your help.


You can publicly reply to reviews on AMO. Apart from that your best bet is to try and guide the users into contacting you via a support portal or similar to gather issues before they leave a rating (having an easy way to find it in your setup flow, in your settings etc. https://extensionworkshop.com/documentation/develop/onboard-upboard-offboard-users/)

Thanks @freaktechnik for the reply.

With comment reviews we can see the review and reply to it.

With stars review only, i can see the user’s firefox id (e.g Firefox user 12345678), in this case i want to be able to write back to the user, but can’t manage to know how.

thanks for the article, we do have an uninstall page, but just learned from the article you sent to add re-install button :slight_smile:

There is no way to interact with reviews that aren’t acompanied by a description.

In geberal I’d say it’s safe to say if there was any way you could’ve resolved an issue with such a review your energy is best spent trying to get such users to support.

Go to each of your posts listed on your activities: https://discourse.mozilla.org/u/linuss/activity

To the right of each you should find a bell icon. Click that icon, and on the popup menu, click Mute to stop notifications.

thanks @freaktechnik