Thank you for not ignoring. I believe the greatest insult someone can be given is ignoring them. As that dehumanizes them. Thank you for giving me that respect.
I believe there shouldn’t be such a “code” to “crack”. Even if there is, that should be public knowledge.
What you do is amazing. I don’t believe at all that everyone has to have the same amount of energy towards the reps program all the time. My point is that we maybe doing something wrong when a lot of reps are not having energy towards the reps program. Perhaps we make people wait too long? Like you had to apply thrice. That’s valuable time lost as not rep. Imagine by the time you became a rep if your life priorities had changed. Could that be happening to a lot of people?
To the entire reps program. The reps program rejecting people like you twice is proof enough of what I call “arrogance”. A humble program would have “accept” by default. A humble program will try to find reasons to accept people than find reasons to reject people. A humble program will find ways to make all applicants acceptable.
That’s a good first step.
I second this.
It is a general trend in transparency. The question should not be on me. The question should be “why hide?” One point I’ve heard is that people get personally attacked for rejecting applications. If things like that are happening, we need to find ways around that, not make things secret.
Another point is what @Spike1 makes above.
To give you a specific example why it is fair to ask who endorses whom, I’ve seen nepotism in the reps program. I’ve seen someone get their girlfriend on the reps program and fly them around through reps program. People will ask me “report that to council”. But that’s not the point. We should build systems where such things aren’t possible. It is wrong to blame individuals.
I don’t know the answer to this. The point is raised in the general bargain of making all things open by default.
True. Here’s @r_qDYrxoJ3X9S_ltyv6BEiGw’s post about something like that.
Do you not see that as a bigger problem? Some people get replies and some people don’t. Who knows who doesn’t get replies? That’s what calls for an open forum.
There are plenty of solutions being suggested. It is when people look at solutions as problems that they can’t see them as solutions.
I don’t know why I have to join the reps program to do any of the things I’m doing for Mozilla. I do see reps as an open program. And therefore, for me to suggest modifications to the program, I don’t have to be a rep.