Focus Android and iOS are back up for localization on Pontoon!

Hello localizers,

I’d like to announce some really good news: we have brought Focus for iOS and Focus for Android back into Pontoon!

Indeed, teams at Mozilla have led extensive research over the course of 2020-2021 that has demonstrated that these products still have very high value and interest - and were going to be missed by a lot of people if we dropped them entirely.

Thankfully, we were able to restore your existing work for both projects, as well as keep attribution in most cases (except 8 strings). Please be sure to take a look at the “Info” sections, as well as the “Resources” in Pontoon for both projects, as they contain more specific details - such as links to screenshots for testing, product info, deadlines, etc. Note that both Focus for iOS and Focus for Android are very high priority products, which is why I have put the 5 star mark in Pontoon.

Concerning the timeline for each product, we are still working on defining a regular cadence going forwards. For this “first” release, both Focus for Android and Focus for iOS should have all strings in by August 17th. L10n deadline for both localizing and testing your work is September 6th. One difference you will notice is that iOS strings will be trickling in regularly - vs what we usually do for Firefox for iOS where you get all strings in one bulk.

Note that Focus for Android strings will share some common strings with Android-Components, just like Fenix (Firefox for Android) does. At the moment, Android-Components strings all live in the Firefox for Android folder in Pontoon - these are all the files in your locale folder that start with mozilla-mobile/android-components/
Please consider localizing all Android-Components strings in the Firefox for Android project, to ensure Focus is always up to date - or better yet, making sure you’re also up to date with all of the Firefox for Android files :wink:

A note about testing: Nightly builds are coming up for Android (should be by the end of the month). Focus for iOS has screenshots that should already be available here. Focus iOS localized builds are in the pipeline. I’ll keep everyone updated about this.

Thanks to Matjaz Horvat, Stefan Arentz and Isabel Rios (and those I am forgetting) for all your hard work with this!

Happy localizing, and let me know if you have any questions by reaching out directly to me.


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