Focus Android and iOS Updates

Hello everyone,

As announced recently, we’ve brought back Focus for Android and Focus for iOS work back up for localization.
The (almost) last bulk of localization has landed by now. We might have still a couple strings trickling in, but shouldn’t be a lot.
Deadline for l10n for both projects is Sept 6.
Please make any requests for new localizations soon if you are interested in adding your locale to this release. There are a few days turn around for this. You can make your request through Pontoon directly as always.
thank you!

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Hi localizers!

I just had to land a 4 extra strings to Focus for Android in Pontoon. This should be the last of strings for Android.

Focus for iOS strings should all be in by now :crossed_fingers:

Deadline for both iOS and Android localizations and l10n testing remains September 6.
Screenshots for iOS can be found here. Note that the Settings section is still being added up there.
Nightly builds for Android will be available next week.

We are really excited to be bringing back these products to the mobile landscape, and with such a high participation from our localizers.
Thanks for your hard work and enthusiasm!


I didn’t see this in time, being new here. I don’t know if I can meet the deadline, but I’ll like you to add Obolo Language (ann) for both Android and iOS.

That’s ok - I will follow-up directly with you about this (as well as about Firefox for Android)

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