Hello, after our discussions at Reps mailing list I want to do this proposition to move Reps architecture to something with real options to participate in the program governance and SOP’s definition/improvement …
- From the point of view of Mozilla staff this program is community-driven because the council is conformed by 7 Reps(representative democracy) + 2 Pay staff but from the point of view of some Reps in the base this program is not community driven because they can’t participate in the program governance and decision making related with issues like SOP’s.
- Just now the program definition is in this wiki page and subpages: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Remo and we don’t know how to propose modifications to the actual definition and how to consult others about our propositions.
Why not learn from OpenSource code development doing a forkable wiki?
- We can use the collaborative code review workflow (https://github.com/features) using GitLab (like github but OpenSource).
- Just now we are using wikimedia (with a database as storage backend) and we can’t manage this database with GitLab but we can migrate Reps program information in to a wiki engine like Gollum that use git as storage backend
Will be hard to participate?
With a good setup (including some hacks by the sysadmin and persona integration) Any rep will be capable to do everything from a web browser using modern web software.
Finally the question is, you think that a Forkable Reps wiki (SOP/Governance) is important to this program? are you interested in propose changes to the Program (SOPs, Governance …)