The question i have is, should we move the global under the Global_attributes or include it under Attributes. My view is all the attributes should be together under Attributes, but didn’t want to port the global attributes under that if there was disagreement with my view.
Thanks for bringing this up @estellevw. I think this sounds reasonable, but it’d be interesting to hear from others on the team. I think the one negative aspect here is probably that doing this would break the htmlattrxref macro. But we are working on getting rid of macros soon anyway
My thought is that if we move Global_attributes/foo to Attributes/foo, any link to the old foo will be redirected to the new foo, meaning the htmlattrxrefmacro links will redirect too. But, i have no knowledge of how the macro works, (so I could be typing random characters that somehow fit neatly into an incorrect thought)