We can get Vidyo rooms assigned per team. I kinda like the idea of a generic ‘Community’ room though. We can make that happen.
I don’t realistically see either of those domains happening. Myself and @kinger had a conversation about that yesterday. We’re going to continue that discussion though and think about something that would work.
well. Questionable. I think a lot of people prefer GitHub
As I said yesterday, these ideas are all really interesting. I think it would be useful, rather than just looking at each of these ideas individually, to think a bit about the larger goals we’re driving at with all of these ideas. It seems like the common thread is creating more communication channels for the community, or ways for the community to connect.
I think it would be really interesting to hear what people think about:
What the biggest communication challenges are for the community right now?
Who the communities we want to reach with these channels are?
What are the current channels that people use to communicate and what are the pros and cons of each?
What would be the biggest advantage to having more avenues for the community to connect and communicate?
Then we can brainstorm around each of those challenges! Feel free to tweak these questions, I just wanted to get the ball rolling and position these ideas inside a bit more of a strategy.
Yah! Perhaps it’s as easy as creating a survey and circulating it broadly on the current community channels! @satdav is putting together a survey like this something you’d be interested in?
@SatDav Re: GitHub you might be interested to see what our team has been thinking about GitHub as a tool and our process - I shared a slideshow about it on discourse here.
The first time, I was all serious and in the flow.
The second time, I laughed hysterically.
Ever since I wonder how to explain why I laughed.
How about a drinking game? Start at the URL bar, and each time you come a cross a communication tool, have a shot. You win if you make it to this post.
TBE, I don’t think we need a survey. (E === earnest)