I am new to WebExtensions and I am hoping it can be used as a solution to a problem that I am facing. I have a Web application that uses Windows authentication and I need to get the computer name that the user is logged on. The two methods that I primarily relied upon was ActiveX and reverse DNS, but I believe WebExtensions with native messaging is more efficient and reliable. In other words, I am having a native application that simply returns the user’s computer name to my browser extension.
I was able to develop a proof of concept and it works to my liking. The question is now how to get this reviewed by AMO. I do not want this extension listed. I only want it reviewed and signed off by the AMO team so it is accessible and can be installed on users’ browsers. How will my native application be reviewed?
I read somewhere that the AMO team actually reads the native application source code. Is this true? Therefore, for an add-on like “Cisco WebEx Extension”, AMO actually went through their source code?
I am still in a development phase, but before I get too deep and get QA and PMO and other parties involved, I want to make sure that what I am doing is correct. Furthermore, I want to sure that what I am developing would indeed get signed off by AMO. Can I submitted a proof of concept?
To help readers answer my question, here are more details based off some documentation that I have been reading:
- I don’t know what ‘js-ctypes’ is, and thus I’m not using it.