How to quickly determine which extensions recently added to the Recommended Extensions program?

The number of recommended extensions was unfortunately stagnant for several months, but finally there is a new one.

Which extension is it? Who knows. There is no way to sort AMO by “date added as recommended”, so all we know is the number of extensions jumped from 97 all the way to… 98.

Mozilla’s official blog at hasn’t been updated in almost half a year, so that’s no help.

How does one quickly determine which extensions have been recently added to the Recommended Extensions program?

I don’t know whether there is an official source, but presumably if the number increased this past week it is one of the most recently updated extensions.

Hi there. There currently isn’t a channel that announces when when a new extension has been added to the Recommended list. It’s an intriguing idea though that perhaps we should consider. Thank you for the question.