I’m trying to produce test versions of add-ons that are signed so that I can test them in my day-to-day browser. So I produce a variant with a distinct ID and try to get them signed by AMO.
I’ve managed to get an add-on signed twice this way. But the AMO site retains the add-on. The second time I try to sign it I get a complaint that the version is the same. It seems bizarre that I’m required to keep bumping the version number each time I want it signed.
When I look at my list of add-ons at AMO the unlisted one appears in my list of submissions. There is nothing to indicate that it is supposed to be unlisted.
It seems that I should just delete the unlisted add-on each time I get it signed.
Is there a better way to do all of this?
(BTW If this has already been explained somewhere in this forum I wouldn’t have found it since your infinite scrolling is unbrowsable).