I read out a DHT11 (or DHT22) and I show the values (Temperature and humidity) via a Thing.
The problem is that I cannot display it as a humidity or percentage value. According to Schemes and properties there is a temperature property, but humidity or percentage isn’t. Just the brightness property, which of course doesn’t work…
Any idea how to add that property to the h-file? (which one and where?) or could this be implemented in a future update?
const char *dhtTypes[] = {"TemperatureHumiditySensor", nullptr};
const char *ledTypes[] = {"Light", nullptr};
ThingDevice DHT1("DHTsensor", "DHT temperature sensor plugged into a single pin", dhtTypes);
ThingDevice led1("led1", "Built-in LED 1", ledTypes);
ThingProperty TempProp("Temperature", "Digital Input Pin", NUMBER, "TemperatureProperty");
ThingProperty HumProp("Humidity", "Digital Input Pin", NUMBER, "TemperatureProperty");
ThingProperty ledOn1("on", "", BOOLEAN, "OnOffProperty");