I didn't like the idea of being removed as a Rep!

Hi all
I was really shocked to see the “thank you” letter (actually meaning goodbye, you are no longer a Rep!) I received a few months ago. I also found it funny to be marked as “alumni attendee” at Mobile World Congress while I was there as an active Rep. Or maybe I don’t get it…
Since April 2015, I am considered as inactive while I was working very hard for the launch of Firefox OS in Africa and with various teams as L10N, marketing, Launch etc… And I travelled to Senegal for FFOS launch where I unfortunately lost a small bag containing all my valuables: passport, tickets, money, phones etc…
I was stuck there for 1 whole month until I got an official pass to return to France.
Then I got huge problems at my work when I returned because of the 3 weeks I missed. And I lost almost one month of salary.
All those activities were dedicated to Mozilla even though I had a contract from March 15th to June 15th.
Therefore, I do consider myself “inactive” as I was busy in other fields of our projects mostly localization for launching Firefox OS in Africa as I was a member of the Firefox OS core team.
I think it’s not fair, when we are busy elsewhere, to be considered inactive just because we are not conducting purely Rep activities.
For me, the thank you letter was very hard to read after all those issues that polluted my life because I was on Mozilla missions.
And people should not forget that Reps can have full time jobs and be active some time, have a small break but never consider themselves as inactive. That’s my case… As a teacher, I am usually too busy between May and July and cannot get involved in many activities. Plus I am a Rep and participate in some activities here in France, but I am mostly focused on West Africa (Senegal, Mali, etc…)
So I think removing people without looking closely at what they have been doing can be annoying specially in my case where I’ve had issues that some Reps leader knew about.
Thanks all

Hi Ibrahima,

We didn’t remove you from the Reps program, we transitioned you to a Reps Alumni because you had been inactive for more than 3 months. We sent the letter to make sure you were recognized for your efforts, this was the first time we did it and in general we got very positive responses from the Reps. You are welcome to join us again whenever you have time to come back and be an active Rep. We contacted you several times over email with this information, we wanted to make sure this was transparent and you had enough time to re-engage with the program before the end of the year.

This isn’t something that came out of the blue, but was a campaign the the Council run last year, you can get all the details here: https://discourse.mozilla-community.org/t/end-of-year-activity-campaign/5671

I know that sometimes it is hard to keep up with the program, that’s why rather than removing people we wanted to make sure you are a Rep Alumni with an active Rep profile and the possibility of coming back to the program.


  • Rosana