Hello Everyone! 
I’m Pranshu Khanna (@pransh15) from Surat, India. I’m a Mozilla Rep, and a Resource Rep and I have been a Mozillian for over 5 years now!
I’m a Community Ninja who loves to help people out and Mentor people towards their desired goals. I truly believe in Work Open Lead Open. I love building Communities! I’m very passionate for the Web, which stays with us in sickness and health. You can check my Reps Profile to know more!
Strength of the Program: Mozilla Reps are a set of diverse global leaders with different skills, abilities, backgrounds, experiences, and learning interests. Mozilla Reps are passionate contributors working towards a common mission that set of people is a huge strength for the Community.
Weakness of the Program: Mozilla Reps are not active as they should be. They have been given an awesome amount of power to go out and change the world but their inactivity becomes the fallen domino mid-way. Mozilla Reps are inherently enablers, our inactivity hurts the Community the most as we drift-off and end up not knowing what’s going on in our own communities. This hurts the ones who have been doing good work consistently, but fail to get any recognition for it. It’s very important to let the ball roll and nominate Mozillians for Mozillian of the Month or Rep of the Month. When rewarded, a Mozillian tends to work more and this motivates other Mozillians to work more. I think initiatives like Mission Driven Mozillians will bring new faces to the Community and also keep engaging the present Reps to be active.
Mentorship: I think Mentorship is an area where we can make massive strides with little effort. There are about 40-odd Mentors in this space and a lot of them are inactive which leads to no-oversight over the inactive Mozilla Reps who go on not being active in their communities and that leads to an overall halt from a whole region.
Communication - For any community to work and tackle issues and find new ideas and solutions, communication is key. I feel that there are a lot of Reps who do not join the Reps call very often, or even take a look at what’s happening in those calls. I hope this can be improved with the new platform coming next year and the newsletter is something which I would want to keep active. I would like to suggest more communication channels like how we recently acquired @mozillagram on Instagram. Such channels help Mozillians stay up to date, and using them as our Community channels would increase overall participation and would increase clarity over participation as well. There’s also Mission driven Mozillians, which can create incentives challenges for Mozillians to work on and increase participation.
Reporting: I think reporting from Reps hasn’t been at par. I take reporting seriously and I tend to update the portal with those. If we can create incentives on the Reports with links, that will help us recognize, appreciate and create more participation through the Reps program and if it works well - we can do that for Mozillians so that it helps Mission Driven Mozillians to showcase their work when need be.
- Opportunity: I believe that the Reps program has given me a lot of opportunities to work on and build, but those opportunities have primarily been through ideas that I could brainstorm with my community and build on it. That could be true for a lot of people if we can create opportunities for Reps to work on crucial issues alongside Council members or Peers to understand what’s needed to build and sustain a Community as big as Mozilla’s. This is an example of what I’m talking about: Improve the Reps Program - Please help us by driving change! - #7 by mkohler
This helps Reps to take initiative on projects which help the program but also for them to be recognized as leaders with great ideas for the community.
- Communication: Even though we have groups on Matrix, Telegram and internal groups and whatnot - it’s important that we keep under one channel because we have a lot. I would work on a bot newsletter for the Community Portal which sends people the events added this week and the events which were done along with the blogs that were added for these events.
The most important part of our Regional Community is communication, and I make sure that each and every contest, activity, or campaign reaches each and every concerned person with a related skillset. That is something that I would like to focus on, and strive to create.
- Inactivity: I believe that the inactivity throughout the Reps Program hurts it the most. I would work on improving the mentorship cycle and understand what’s needed to bring up new leaders in several regions where Reps have been inactive. An overhaul in the mentorship process could see more reporting and activities through each pillar(Rep) of the huge community we have and something I like to say to my community can come true, #TogetherWeCanDoMore.
Through the upcoming activities and campaigns, we will be able to work on this thoroughly and make sure that these activities reap the impact we require. This will linearize the structure where we can have the flexibility for Mozillians and Reps with the expected impact that we need. This will also give Mozilla the visibility it requires through more activity along with the presence I’ve mentioned under Communication.
One thing I love to do even when I have inactivity patches is taking regular meetings every month, or bi-weekly and sometimes every week. Going through contribution goals for each member in a single discourse helps the community to support each other, collaborate and grow together. This can be applied to the Reps Program too, through Reps Mentors we can help host this for Reps and through Reps we can help Mozillians to understand the Community structure and contribution areas better and give them an ideal plan for them to grow as a person and for the community to grow together.
This can be applied to the Mentors program as well through bi-weekly/monthly calls with Mentors and from Mentors(to their Mentees).
I believe that I have strong Leadership, Creative and Communication skills. All of these have helped me to give so much to the Community through creating projects, running campaigns, motivating people, mentoring so many people and speaking at events to so many people! I’m very active in the community and I believe in leading by example! I have a ton of experience in terms of trying technologies and making mistakes, and I tend to use those as my strengths for people to make more mistakes and learn more. I am a great listener, which is why I’ve been able to scrap out a lot of issues within my Regional Community and have been in talks with other sub-communities and helped them by giving ideas and taking calls with them to solve problems and grow together. I believe that my ideology around growing together along with my skills would help me be an effective Council member.
I’m a Resource Rep through which I have been able to enable Mozillians to obtain support for their events, and helped them design and organize their events better, and align them with Mozilla’s goals in a very constructive manner. As a Rep, I’ve been able to Mentor a lot of Mozillians in the community and helped them give direction to build and grow personally and up their skills to help the Community. I’ve been constantly helping Reps to work on Mozilla India website, Mozilla Gujarat’s website, social accounts, hackathons, giving talks, submitting CFPs, and much more.
Making Mozilla Gujarat this active! In my Mozilla Reps on-boarding I’d written that I’m going to work on cities and making Mozilla Gujarat an active community! I’m very happy to say that since I’ve become a Rep we have - 3 more Reps, over 200+ Mozillians, 20+ Events, 10+ Meetups, 50+ Zoom Calls and have gained impressions to to over 10,000 People through Social media, booth crawls, talks and whatnot. The mentee group I have, who call themselves MozFam, have spoken at over 82+ Events in the last 12 months and that, I believe, exemplifies what I’ve been able to accomplish as a Rep. To give you an idea, that is over a talk for every 4.5 days in the past year, and I still haven’t added my talks to this list! People who have met us at those talks, events, booth crawls have learnt something valuable about the internet since we believe in Mozilla’s mission and the vision of how the Web should be! We work tirelessly to make the Open Web better and how far we have come, and how we look to capitalize on it by making ideas come true is a true remark of my work ethic and instilling that in people around me is my biggest achievement!
Thank you for taking out your time to read my ideas. Feel free to reply on this post if you have any questions or feedback.