[IMPORTANT] ⚠️ Council Elections - H1 2022 - πŸŽ‰ Results Announcement πŸŽ‰

Hi, lovely Reps!

Thanks to everyone who stepped up and nominated themselves for this round of Reps Council elections and a big thank you to those who cast their vote!

We are happy to congratulate the following Reps who will serve a 12-month term in the Reps Council:

  • Robert Reyes
  • Paul Wright
  • Siddhartha Rao

As for the next steps, the new Council members will start the onboarding process. More details here: https://wiki.mozilla.org/ReMo/SOPs/Council_onboarding

For any feedback, questions, or clarifications about elections, don’t hesitate to write to the Peers: reps-peers@mozilla.com

Have a great day or a resting night (depending on where you find yourself in this fantastic world)!

From the Council and Peers,



Forgot to post here, oh no! Congrats to @plwt, @bobreyes and @siddhartharao17! :tada: And thanks to everyone who stepped up this time around!


Congratulations :partying_face: to the new Council members!

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