Not sure if I should have selected a different category for this.
I happened to try to login here first using my GitHub account. Unfortunately I use a company account and my own account on this machine, and the login wanted to use the company account with no way to change it.
How do I select the right account?
I am not sure but it probably uses your currently logged-in GitHub accound.
Try the following:
Log out of discourse
Log out of Github
Log in to GitHub with the account you want to use on discourse.
Log in to discourse using GitHub.
Then, hopefully, you will be logged in to discourse with the account you want. Now you can go ahead and log back into GitHub with the account you want to use for your GitHub work.
This is just one of those shortcomings of GitHubs shared login feature.
Thanks Mike
I’ll just avoid using GitHub login except for GitHub itself. Already having issues because of being involved with multiple projects on there and having to log in as various managers.
Hi Henrik,
As I mentioned to Mike, the easy solution is not to use the GitHub route to login to discourse.
The problem arises because amongst the possibly 200 tabs I have open, I may be logged into Git using an account other than my own. (Touches on another problem relating to organising open tabs). This is a consequence of being the manager of a number of projects owned by other people.
It becomes a non-trivial exercise to find the tab(s) where I am logged into Git and then log out. Much easier to create a specific Discourse login profile, as I have done.
I’m quite happy that I know what is going on here, and consider the issue solved.
If you’re using Firefox, you may find multi-account containers helpful with this, by using a different container for each new GitHub login.
First impression is that this is well on the way to being what I’m after for managing tabs, and sounds like an excellent solution for the login issue I started with.