(Moch Galih Indra Prahastha)
August 12, 2020, 6:13am
hello, i am sorry before, my english is bad. i have a problem about deepspeech, i try using deepeech in my project for change voice to text, but i want for using another language beside english, i want to indonesia language. how i can do it?
note: i using nodejs as base project, on windows
thank you for your solution
(Olaf Thiele)
August 12, 2020, 6:36am
Try contacting the author of this post as he is already using Indonesian and might have a working model:
I have problem with setting trainning and make me frustacing…
i think not need to give a specification, because the training is run.
last base order:
XLA_PYTHON_CLIENT_ALLOCATOR=platform TF_XLA_FLAGS=–tf_xla_cpu_global_jit python3 -u /home/bram/Documents/coding/speech/deepspeech/ --train_files “/home/bram/Documents/coding/speech/traindata/CVdata/clips/train.csv” --dev_files “/home/bram/Documents/coding/speech/traindata/CVdata/clips/dev.csv” --test_files “/home/bram/Documents/codi…