Jquery-2.2.4.js not recognized as a known JS library

I use jquery-2.2.4.js in my extension, source file from https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.4.js

But AMO have different behavior depend on where I put the file:

  1. [Version 2.29.83] File ‘data/src/js/jquery-2.2.4.js’ is a known JS library

  2. [Version 2.29.82] File ‘data/browserExt/jquery-2.2.4.js’ have warning Access to the eval global

I download and check md5 hash, they have the same value 888d4551b8db7c41cda28d95e494f998

Do we have any way to solve this issue?

The location or filename shouldn’t be an issue.

Please compare the hashes of the 2 files after packing.
Copy/Pasting library code changes its hash.

BTW, I would suggest using the minified versions of JQuery since its hash is checked, there is not point in including 1000s of lines of code.