Many people (nearly 60%) prefer to use Firefox web browser in their local languages. Every week nearly 28000+ available support documents are read by visitors. SUMO has 74 locales locales in which 7 of them are Indian languages and most of them are currently inactive.
I’d like to propose a campaign (L10n Sprint India) to develop the status of localization of KB-SUMO articles and other projects - which ultimately helps to build a strong sumo community by bringing a new set of contributors onboard.
Here is the Planning pad regarding the campaign: L10n Sprint India
Detailed work flow of the campaign is mentioned in the etherpad and suggestions to improvise this huge experiment are highly rerecomended.
Please let us discuss the pros and cons of this campaign to move ahead.
Hey Dinesh,
First of all, thanks for bringing up this initiative.
It is essential that we also concentrate on other languages which haven’t been touched yet.
for this, we need support from Community leaders/ Reps in various region to help involve their community members to contribute in their locale.
Also it would be great. if we could bring up a “Know SuMo” or similar like campaign to bring the awareness and encourage people to contribute to SuMO in regions where there is no contribution at all.
I’ll also put up my views on the etherpad then & there.
Will keep following it.
SuMo tamil-India locale leader
RAL- FSA program
Hey @dineshmv38 its really a great thing, surely many will be expecting this. I hope @Swarnava was also involved more with SUMO, he is well experienced and getting his help and mentorship will be great.
@karthic surely will help you and participate with you as Contributor and Rep. Once @khaleeljageer was also sharing regarding Localizing KB articles in SUMO. He also knew space where he told we can conduct events.
Sounds great to me @karthic. Please join us to initiate this huge thing. Let us discuss and play this game in different communities and i’ll be glad if this initiative starts from Mozilla-Tamilnadu
I am getting started with building our local l10n SUMO team (Gujarati & Hindi) and events like this Sprint will be a great platform for new contributors