Last Pass and Ghostery will not load

For some reason, Last Pass and Ghostery disappeared from my Firefox browser. I tried to reload, but got the message, “Download failed. Please check your connection.” My connection is fine and works. I then downloaded the latest MacOS update thinking they might require that, but I get the same error message. Frustrating. Connection is perfect.

I had this too but then noticed the announcement on Twitter. Later I came here and saw the banner at the top: “Certificate issue causing add-ons to be disabled or fail to install.”

I just had the same thing happen. Lastpass got disabled, I was told to remove it and download from Mozzila, tried that and cant download. says connection not working, rebooted modem, still nope.

I’m having EXACTLY the same problem! HEEEEELLLLLPPPPPP! What on Earth is going on?!

Please see for more information on the problem.

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Many thanks for this link, although I have to be honest it makes very little sense to me as a non-techy person - I haven’t got a clue what I should (or shouldn’t) be doing… :confused:

If you can be patient, that’s probably the easiest strategy. Mozilla is working on updates that should resolve this issue automatically.

If you want to actively ensure you have the best chances of getting the fix quickly, follow the instructions accommodated by the screenshot in the blog post.

While there are other suggestions from outside Mozilla to speed up the process, I would very strongly recommend against them, especially if you do not understand what exactly they imply (which sadly most people using them probably don’t).

Thank you so much for your help - I’m delighted to say the 1548973 fix is now in place and has worked - yipppeeeeeee! Thanks again Martin!

I spent all day yesterday trying to get my LastPass loaded but kept getting connection problem message. I deleted Firefox and tried reloading to previous version but that was thwarted. I’m all done. If Firefox can’t get its act together and release usable browser, then I’m going to another browser. What a pain!!!

Crappy fire fox does not give me access to loads of add on and even access to sites when the Opera browser works instead,

Download failed. Please check your connection.

FIREFOX FOR ME ALSO SEEMS TO FAIL ON TOO MANY COUNTS. If Firefox can’t get its act together and release usable browser, then I’m going to another browser. What a pain!!!