Hi guys,
This is my first post on this forum, and is written in a state of utter desperation, so sincere apologies in advance if I’ve posted it in an incorrect section or in an unclear way. ANY feedback is enormously appreciated, and if any additional information is required then please just let me know.
I run Windows 10 and having been using both Thunderbird and Lightning as my sole email client & corresponding calendar for about a year now. Previously the only issues I’ve encountered have been momentary disappearances of the calendar entries, only to reappear again once I have closed down and restarted both programmes and the computer.
However yesterday, for the very first time, my computer inexplicably crashed whilst I was running both Thunderbird and Lightning, along with a couple of Google Chrome browser windows. After restart everything seemed fine and I continued as normal. However, after switching on my computer today all my calendar entries in Lightning have disappeared. I tried the usual trick of closing down and restarting, but to no avail. I then did some reading around and tried both disabling and removing (then re-downloading) Lightning, but have still had no luck.
The ics file which is stored on my laptop hardrive, and which my Lightning calendar normally functions from, seems a lot smaller than I would have expected and appears to have been ‘modified’ earlier today; I’m terrified in case that means that my Lightning Calendar has disappeared and then the new, empty calendar has been backed up to my ics file, meaning that the previous version of my calendar is now irretrievable?! Is there any way of try to find the missing calendar entries in Lighting or even find/revert to a previous version of the ics file?
I read a little bit about incompatibility between certain versions of Lightning and Thunderbird, so I wonder if perhaps one or other of them automatically updated this morning and in doing so threw the other one out of kilter. I’ve just checked now and they are…
Lightning - 4.7.4
Thunderbird - 45.8.0
Once again I’d be exceptionally grateful for any suggestions or feedback as this calendar - foolishly - contained a lot of important information that I don’t have stored elsewhere.
Many thanks again,