Looking for specific old addon in new firefox

Looking for addon like this https://addons.mozilla.org/cs/firefox/addon/image-toolbar/

Icon hovering over image and when i click it , it opens file explorer window and i choose where i can save it (and now twist) it remembers last used folder.

Many new addons just point me back to Download folder. I just wanna choose my folder and download next images in the same folder until i choose otherwise.

Example : i find on page pictures of apples (20 images) i open first image and i choose to download it. I click on hovering icon over said image and i locate on my hdd folder where i wanna save it. for example folder fruit/apples and hit Save. Dialog close and picture download to folder fruit/apples , i scroll over others pictures of apples and when i hit icon hovering over image it should open file explorer dialog with folder fruit/apples.

Then i find some nice oranges so i click on hovering icon over picture and dialog open with folder fruit/apples so i change my folder to fruit/oranges and when i find other nice image of orange it should now open in folder fruit/oranges

I hope you all understand it.

Thank you for suggestions.

In new WebExtension API, add-ons can only save to Download folder or a subdirectory of it.

It is not possible to do anything else. If Download folder is not set in Firefox Options, it will ask each time where to save it, which can be annoying when trying to save/download multiple files.

Thats stupid. I wanna sort downloaded image right away when i download them. Even want save that one right click and choosing Save image as… . Thats no innovation but reggression. But anyway thank you for clarification.