Went through the reviews of some add-on I have installed and noticed that two of them have a lot of fake reviews. They are obvious because it’s either nonsense with a five stars rating or the users registered on the same date they wrote the review. It’s usually also the only review they ever wrote, or they wrote multiple ones for the same add-on.
I reported a few accounts and reviews some days ago, but they’re still there. Mozilla doesn’t seem to care.
What part of “they registered on the same date they wrote the review. It’s usually also the only review they ever wrote” don’t you understand? And yes, 1-star ratings of spammers can be included too into this topic. Spammers are spammers and Mozilla has a problem with that, which they don’t seem to bother with.
I don’t see how this implies that the review is fake. User becomes pissed off, user registers, leaves bad review, goes away. Does it looks impossible or unlikely?
Agreed. Reviewing on the same day the account was created isn’t really a surprising thing. If you’re not a developer, the only reason to create an account is to review an add-on or create a collection (less likely). Most users will only have an add-on or two, and don’t necessarily want to review all of them.
There are spammers, for sure, but demonstrating that they’re spammers isn’t simple, and developers also confuse spamming with negative reactions.