Manifest V3


I see that now Chrome does not accept any new extensions that have a V2 manifest however when it comes to Firefox I see that you can still use V2? Are there any news regarding this? Can I upload an extension with V2 manifest to the Firefox store?

Many thanks.

Firefox supports only V2, so developing new cross browser extensions is a bit complicated now because Chrome store won’t accept them.

I have no news, the last info is from May 2021, so maybe come back in May? :slight_smile: Manifest v3 update - Mozilla Add-ons Community Blog

But since Chrome plans to disable V2 extensions in ~10 months (!!) I would expect the upcoming Firefox ESR 102 will already support V3. Although seeing how 102 is getting closer and closer, I’m getting worried if they can make it in time :frowning:. Also the bugs linked in the article looks pretty unresolved… I have a bad feeling about this.

There is still a chance Google will move the deadline since many use cases is not covered by V3. But maybe they just don’t care.

Hi @juraj.masiar, thank you for the clarification and response as usual ;).
I started developing my extension Firefox first hence I am using V2 however looking at Chrome now it requires V3 and I have been reading the news regarding this changes. Looking at the bloodbath that is currently on chrome forums was wondering if I need to update my Firefox manifest as of right now.