Why has the Mendeley web importer add-on been removed from firefox? The tool is extremely useful and was an essential part in easing the hassle of referening and now it has been removed?
Can someone please explain why it has been removed or whether there is a way get the plugin back?
A capture on Archive.org Wayback Machine shows it was already gone (Oops page) on Dec. 30, 2019. I can’t find any earlier captures of the page.
On Mendeley’s How To page it says:
“The Firefox extension is temporarily unavailable. It will be restored as soon as possible.”
Source: https://service.elsevier.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/28974/supporthub/mendeley/kw/firefox/p/16075/
Looks like that was updated on March 5th.
You also could watch this thread on their forums: https://service.elsevier.com/app/social/questions/detail/qid/520/kw/firefox/supporthub/mendeley/