You might aware that we have decommissioned the old Etherpad and although now we have a more secure Pad, we can’t rely on it to keep our call agendas since it can’t keep information if there’s no activity in the pad more than 7 days.
Now, I should emphasize that we are not leaving Etherpad to post the agenda of our weekly call. But we have to think about an alternative to keep our agenda somewhere else so we have documentation of our meetings.
Earlier in the call, we talked about some alternatives:
Keep it in a single Google Doc
The cost for this is time to port all the agendas into a single document. The porting will take a lot of time since we have Reps call data from 2015. By the end of each meeting, Kiki will also need to back up the data from the Etherpad to the Google Doc.
Keep it in the Wiki
The cost for this is also time to port the agendas into the wiki one page per agenda. It will take more time (probably a lot more than the first option), but the Wiki is definitely more open than Google Doc. Kiki will also need to back up the data from the Etherpad to the wiki after each meeting.
Keep it in the Google Drive and share the folder publicly
The cost of this is very low. Right now, we have the backup data in .html and .txt format. Kiki will also need to export the agenda from the Etherpad and add them to the Google Drive folder after each meeting. However, it’ll be tricky for people to edit the document afterward.
Of course, we’re open to any other alternatives. Let us know in this thread if you have a better alternative in mind. Also, please chime in and let us know what do you think.
Thank you for summary of the candidates.
I prefer the low cost one (Keep it in the Google Drive)
because for me Earlier is Better, the past record to be opened.
For the additions and corrections, why don’t we make another file named after original one and put them in same folder? If the rule for naming is clearly specified,
Single document or Wiki is easier for the later search by the word(s) in the contents but I can concatnate all the document after downloading by myself if I know where they are.
(Sammy Fung - Mozilla Rep, Community Manager of Mozilla Hong Kong community)
I suggest to use HackMD free service, we can edit each pad in Markdown syntax. It supports GitHub and Google auth. and It is also an open source software.
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(Rubén Martín [❌ taking a break from Mozilla])
Since we are announcing calls in this discourse, it might be a good idea once the call is over to c&p the final notes here, so they are stored forever and people can read it directly from their notifications without jumping into another platform.
The new pad can be the temporal place to take notes and here the final place to store them.
I think that Google as service should be avoided because a lot of people doesn’t like it and not join meetings because we are using it.
Probably use wiki as reference is not bad but I am wondering if it is more simple to use discourse for the notes and if discourse support a live mode. This can be a way to move volunteers on using it more and track what the community does better.
i would go for pages on or here on discourse (both versions were already implemented before and if we have a temporary pad for the call already in markdown will be very easy)